
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

20 de Noviembre de 2013: Día internacional de los derechos del niño (e-twinning task)

Today we celebrate that on the 20th of November 1959 the United Nations adopted THE DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD.

Yes!!!! You , as a child, have a declaration of rights, not only all the duties we say to you. THAT'S GREAT, isn't?

Let's watch this video, I want you to know what that declaration says to you.

Here you have a link to the Declaration so you can read them in Spanish and in English:
e-Twinning Task: For our e-Twinning celebration we have to choose one of them. With the one you have chosen you have to:
  • Read the right.
  • Understand it. 
  • Write it down with your own words.
  • Try to make a good picture related with it.We will use it to make it easier to undertand to other people who don't speak our languages. 
  • We are going record a video in which you say the right. Maybe you can say, you can act it, etc....

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