
jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

The play of our dreams - English Year 6

It is time to focus our attention into a new ICT task called `The play of our dreams´.

Desde la orden EDU/519/2014 de 17 de junio.


Comprensión de textos (Reading - Listening)
  • Comprende el sentido general en mensajes y que contengan instrucciones, indicaciones (post en el blog para la realización de la tarea) y extrae algún dato concreto.
  • Comprende lo esencial de historias breves y bien estructuradas e identifica los personajes principales siempre y cuando la imagen y la acción conduzcan a gran parte del argumento. 
  • Comprende información esencial y localiza información específica en material informativo sencillo.
  • Consulta el diccionario bilingüe y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación de forma guiada como apoyo a su aprendizaje.
  • Se desenvuelve con cierta seguridad en situaciones cotidianas muy simples, reales o simuladas.
Producción de textos (Writing - Speaking)
  • Hace presentaciones breves y sencillas, previamente preparadas y ensayadas, sobre temas cotidianos y de su interés (presentarse y presentar a otras personas; dar información básica sobre sí mismo, su familia; indicar las rutinas y actividades de su día a día) usando estructuras sencillas.
  • Participa en conversaciones, cara a cara en las que se establece un pequeño contacto social (dar las gracias, saludar, despedirse, dirigirse a alguien, pedir disculpas, presentarse, interesarse por alguien, felicitar a alguien), se intercambia información personal y sobre asuntos cotidianos.
  • Escribe, en papel o en soporte electrónico, textos breves de carácter narrativo e informativo sobre temas trabajados previamente, basándose en un modelo y reproduciendo estructuras trabajadas.
  • Revisa y autocorrige los textos producidos de manera guiada.
    • Actividades de vacaciones y hogar.
    • Tiempo libre, ocio y sueños.
    Estructuras sintáctico - discursivas:
    • Expresión del aspecto: durativo (past simple).
    • Expresión de gustos y preferencias: verb + gerund (like, don't like).
    Funciones comunicativas:
    • Descripción de lugares.
    • Expresión del gusto.
    • Narración de hechos pasados.
    Aspectos socioculturales y sociolingüísticos:
    • Costumbres.
    • Lenguaje no verbal y comportamiento (proxémica, contacto corporal).
    • Valoración de la lengua extranjera como instrumento para comunicarse.

    At the end of the task every group should act and play a story.

    1. Understand 'The play of our dreams' task.
    2. Create your Blabberize about my special place or my favourite place to live. 
    3. Create the storyboard, identify and describe the characters.
    4. Start the script of the video.
    5. Finish the script of the video and learn about Touchcast.
    6. Record the video.
    7. Create the final post about the task. 


    STEP 1: You are going to work in groups. You will define what your task will be everyday: What is each one of you going to do on a lesson? You are going to open a Google Drive Document as your Working Diary with the following points (share with your teacher):
    • Date:
    • Each member role for the lesson:
    • Aim of the day:
    • What have you done today?:
    • Problems:
    STEP 2: Let's introduce everybody your special place or your favourite place to live. We are going to do it using a new web tool: Blabberize . When you finish to create it you have to be sure where the URL, link, HTML or EMBED code is to place it in your final post. 
    As you know when you have finished you can publish the picture on Blabberize. Use these:
    Title: My special place or my favourite place to live.
    Description: My favourite place description.
    • colsangregorio
    • Year6
    • English
    TIP: This tutorial will help you to do the task. 

    TIP: Let's check activities from CB page 53 and from AB page 39.

    STEP 3: Create the storyboard, identify and describe the characters.
    Look at the presentation to create your storyboard.

    Try to identify all the characters in the story, and in your group divide it who is going to be each one. 

    TIP: Let's check grammar from CB page 147, 148, 149 & 150 and vocabulary from CB page 134 and 135.

    STEP 4: A part of the final product will be a video recorded using a "croma", let's have a look to understand what we are trying to do. 

    For that purpose we are going to use the web tool: Touchcast. You need to prepare the script before recording the video. If you remember the aim of this task was to act and play a story. 
    Do you remember what the tense to talk about what happened is?  

    Along the script you have to use at least 10 sentences using past simple. 

    TIPS: Use the grammar at CB page 146-149.
    Also you will find useful time expression like: Yesterday, last night, last month, last week, ...ago, the day before yesterday, ...

    STEP 5: Let's record the video using Touchcast but in our MinIpads. In the following tutorial you will know how to deal with it. Please read it very carefully before start. 

    As you know when you have finished you can publish the video on Youtube. Use these tags:
    • colsangregorio
    • redxxi
    • English
    • Year 6
    • The play of our dreams. 

    STEP 6: This is going to be the personal part each one should create on their own portfolio. Each member of the group has to create a post with the following information.
    • Title: The play of our dreams: (Title of the play) 
    • Introduction: 
    My name is ___________________________. These are the final products, this task was part of English. Along this task we worked with our dreams. 

    This is my special place or my favourite place to live.
    You can discover it on this link The teacher (Write the name of your place and linked it with the avatar you created in blabberize.com)

    In the following video you can listen and watch our play.
    • Embed the video.
    • Learning Diary: (Please try to think on it and write more than a word)
      • What have I learnt with this task?
      • Did I have to go back on something?
      • How did I learn along this task?
      • What do I want to learn more about?
    • Remember to write the tags (colsangregorio, redxxi, Year 6, English, our dream play)
    This example done by the teachers can help you. 

    Teacher's assesment (60% of the final mark) Maximum 36 points.
    Rúbrica the play of our dreams from Julián Mamolar

    Self-assesment (20% of the final mark) Maximum 36 points.

    Diana de evaluación the play of our dreams from Julián Mamolar

    Peer evaluation (20% of the final mark) Maximum 24 points.

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