
miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016


Along this topic we have learn about the living things and the cells. Today we want to learn a bit more about the organization of cells. If we focus our attention in the cells we can classify the organisms into MULTICELLULAR and UNICELLULAR.

Let's have a look to this video and at the end of the video in the group you have to create a definition about what a multicellular and an unicellurar is. 

Living things that are composed of a single cell are called unicellular organism. The single cell perform all the functions needed to live. 


Living things that are composed of two or more cells are called multicellular organism. All the cells are arranged so that the organism can performed the vital  functions. 

  • LEVEL 1: It is the single cell. 
  • LEVEL 2: Tissues. They are a set of one type of cells which performs the same function. 
  • LEVEL 3: Organs. The grouping together of a set of tissues which performs the same function. 
  • LEVEL 4: System. Some organs that perform the same function are grouped together in a same system.

All the systems perform the ORGANISMS

Let's practise a bit more about Organization of Living Things using this video and the following test. 

Types of cells

 Muscle cells are elongated. These cells and the tissues can expand and contract. This allows muscle to move. 

Epithelial cells: These flat cells line certein area of the body such all the skin. They insulated the body and protect it

Nerves cells: They are star shaped with long extension or arms. These cells establish connections and then transmit information to all parts of the body

To sum up and internalise your knowledge along this lesson you are going to create a model explaining from the cells to the organism. Let's use plasticine to create the model and paper to label it. Take a picture of it to publish it. 

What do you have to do?  Create a model using plasticine and paper to reproduce this photo. 

STEP 1: Decide with your mates what you are going to represent. Let's investigate how it is and how to represent. 

STEP 2: Talk with your mates about the material you will need and how do you will organize to have it (plasticine, sticks, papers, and if it is posible a camera to take a photo)

STEP 3: Organize the group deciding who is going to do each things, who is going to create the cell, who the tissue, the organ,.....

STEP 4: Work on your part of the task, don't hesitate to ask for help to your mates in case it is necesary. 

STEP 5: Let's prepare the final model and take a picture and send it to your teacher. 

STEP 6: Each group will show the final product to the rest of the groups. 

  • It will be esier for you to talk in front of your mates if you have a script to follow. The following sentences would be helpful for you. 
    • Hello, we are........
    • We are going to present you the .......levels of organization of the human body.
    • The first level is the ......................
    • All the .............together form the 2nd level which is..................
    • The ............... together form the 3rd level which is the..............
    • The ................., ..........................., .......................... are the different organs for the .......................... system. Explain your system, you can use your own information or you can have a look to page 14 and 15 of your book. 
    • The ... system with the ... system, the ... system, the ... system, the ... system, the ... system, and the ...system form the HUMAN BODY. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Una de las fotos de los organismos unicelulares dice Ameba, pero es un Paramecio!!! ��
