Desde la orden EDU/519/2014 de 17 de junio.
Comprensión de textos (Reading - Listening)
Comprensión de textos (Reading - Listening)
- Comprende el sentido general en mensajes y que contengan instrucciones, indicaciones (post en el blog para la realización de la tarea) y extrae algún dato concreto.
- Comprende información esencial y localiza información específica en material informativo sencillo.
- Consulta el diccionario bilingüe y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación de forma guiada como apoyo a su aprendizaje.
- Hace presentaciones breves y sencillas, previamente preparadas y ensayadas, sobre temas cotidianos y de su interés (presentarse y presentar a otras personas; dar información básica sobre sí mismo, su familia; indicar las rutinas y actividades de su día a día) usando estructuras sencillas.
- Participa en conversaciones, cara a cara en las que se establece un pequeño contacto social (dar las gracias, saludar, despedirse, dirigirse a alguien, pedir disculpas, presentarse, interesarse por alguien, felicitar a alguien), se intercambia información personal y sobre asuntos cotidianos.
- Escribe, en papel o en soporte electrónico, textos breves de carácter narrativo e informativo sobre temas trabajados previamente, basándose en un modelo y reproduciendo estructuras trabajadas.
- Actividades de la vida diaria.
- Alimentación.
Estructuras sintáctico - discursivas:
- Interrogación (Wh- questions, questions with the Auxiliary Modal Verb Can)
- Expresión de la cantidad (some, any, lots of - countable and uncountable)
- Expresión de las capacidades (Modal Verb: Can)
Funciones comunicativas:
- Establecimiento y mantenimiento de la comunicación.
Aspectos socioculturales y sociolingüísticos:
- Convenciones sociales (fórmulas de saludos y despedidas)
- Normas de cortesía y registro.
Create a presentation and a video to show the results of an investigation about a Writer of Kid's Stories.
STEP 1: You are going to work in pairs. You will define what your task will be everyday: What is each one of you going to do on a lesson? You are going to open a Google Drive Document as your Working Diary with the following points (Share with your teacher):
TITLE-Spanish Authors
TITLE-Spanish Authors
- Date.
- Each member task for the lesson.
- Aim of the day.
- What have you done today?
- Problems.
STEP 2: Start the presentation, both members of the couple should have access to it (Share with your teacher). It must have:
- Slide 1: Title and authors of the presentation.
- Slide 2: Name, place and date of birth, place and date of death, photo.
- Slide 3: Timeline with the main points of the author's life.
- Slide 4: List of books or stories the authors has published.
- Slide 5: Short summary and photo of one of the author's stories.
- Slide 6: Video with the author. A day in the life of ..........
- Slide 7: Creative Commons License.
STEP 3: Let's look for the author you want to work on. The following links can help you with the search. Remember the author has to be Spanish, it doesn't matter about it is a modern or an old writer.
- Wikipedia: Escritores de Literatura Infantil de España
- Blog Educ@conTIC: Autores de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.
STEP 4: Main data of the author (Slide number 2).
STEP 5: Create the Timeline about the author: the main data about his life, the date of some of the writer's book, etc... (Slide number 3)
- You can use Popplet to do it.
- Include at least five data.
- Some Pictures would be great.
- When you finish click on the wheel you can find at the top and export it as jpeg. So you will have your time line as a photo to include in your presentation.
STEP 6: Write a list of the most important book written by your author. (Slide number 4)
STEP 7: Look for one of the writer's book and write a brief summary (no more than 6-7 lines).(Slide number 5)
STEP 8: You are going to create an interview with your author, in which one of you will be the interviewer and the other one will dress up as the writer and answer as if you were he or she.
- Let's start with the script.
- Hello, Good morning,
- What's your name? My name is.....
- When were you born? I was born on ..............
- Why are you famous? I'm a .............
- Which books did you write? I wrote.......
- Can I ask you a bit about your personal life? Yes, you can.
- What are your abilities? I can .......
- What can't you do? I can't ...........
- Tips: Check page 141 and 36 from your CB for grammar and vocabulary.
- What have you got in your fridge? I have got ....
- Tips: Check page 142 and 40 from your CB for grammar and vocabulary.
- Thanks for you time.
- Your teacher will check the script.
- Record the video and upload it into the YouTube account.
- Title: Spanish Authors: (names of the writer)
- Description: This is the video we have created for........
- Tags: colsangregorio, redxxi, Year 5, English, eTwinning, Spanish authors.
STEP 9: Include your video into your Google SlideShow Presentation.
STEP 10: This is going to be the personal part each one should create on they own portfolio. Each member of the group has to create a post with the following information.
- Title: eTwinning - Spanish Authors: (name of the writer)
- Introduction: I'm ........................... This is the final product of my group. Along this task we ..................... and I ........................................
- Embed the presentation.
- Learning Diary: (Please try to think on it and write more than a word)
- What have I learnt with this task?
- Did I have to go back on something?
- How did I learn along this task?
- What do I want to learn more about?
- Remember to write the task (colsangregorio, redxxi, Year 5, English, eTwinning, Spanish authors)
This example done by the teachers can help you. eTwinning - Spanish Authors: Saturnino Calleja.
Teacher's assesment (60% of the final mark) Maximum 32 points
Rúbrica de evaluación e twinning task - spanish authors from Javier Ramos Sancha
Self-assesment (20% of the final mark) Maximum 32 points
Peer evaluation (20% of the final mark) Maximum 24 points
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