Here you can find some ICT Resources that you could use for your self-study and to prepare your exam. This is a good way to study on your own. Remember to contact with your teacher if you have any doubts.
HI MATES: You remember that you are making your popplets or power points to make diagrams, NO? So you have to start to record these diagrams using a screen recorder. Don´t worry because your faces don´t appear in the screen recorder.
How do you do this?
First make your diagrams.
Second write your script.
Third record your screen with this program:
Here you just record the video and download, after you have to give me this in a pen drive.
To evaluate all your work the teacher will use this rubric:
Today we are going to create a comic in which you will tell everybody something that happened to you during holidays, at school, at home....
We propose you to do two different activities to tell anecdote:
FIRST ACTIVITY: You will create a comic with a new tool of the Web 2.0: Toondoo. With this tool you will create a comic with at least four frames. In the story you have to tell the anecdote as it would be happened right now. So you will use the present of the verbs. (Be careful with the third person)
If you click on the next image you will be redirected to the new tool website.
2. SECOND ACTIVITY: If you have finished with your Comic, it's time to start with the next activity. Now you are going to retell the story in a paragraph. This time you are going to speak about one past fact so you will use the past tense of the verbs. (Try to review what we have learnt in the lessons during the last weeks). This video can refresh your learning.
Remember you also have the Grammar Tickets about the past tense in your activity book.
We recommend you to write in a papper as a draft, before writing in your kidblog, this will help you to write it correctly, without any grammar or spelling mistake. (Remember to use your dictionary or
3. THIRD ACTIVITY: Let's go on with the third activity! Now you have to prepare the post in your kidblog. It must have four parts:
Introduction: Hello everybody, I'm going to tell you an anecdote that happened to me when ............... Let's read the comic.
Comic (you have to use the embed code, you can obtain it in the TOONDOO website, remember look for <>)
Paragraph: Write the story in a paragraph using the past tense. (The one that you have written in as a draft in a paper)
Farewell: That's all! I hope you have enjoyed your reading.
4. FOURTH ACTIVITY: And the last step to finish. Now you have to send the link of your kidblog to your teacher. You should do it through an assigment you will have in your EDMODO.
To focus all your efforts here you have the rubric in where you will find all the points the teacher will pay attention for the assesment part. Have a look before starting creating your story.
A bit of history: Pancake Day takes place in Britain on Shrove Tuesday in February. It started as a celebration to use up all the eggs in the kitchen before Lent. All over Britain people make pancakes and they eat them with sugar and lemon juice. People also have pancake races. The most famous race takes place in the village of Olney in England. Only women and girls can take part. The race started in the 15th century. The story is that on Shrove Tuesday 1445, a woman wanted pancakes for her breakfast. She was in her kitchen when suddenly she heard the church bells. She ran outside to go to the church - in her apron and with her frying pan in her hand! Now there are pancake races all over Britain.
So you have learnt a bit of history about PANCAKE DAY and now you are wondering:
What do I need ? (Look the album)
Traditional costume housewife:
Head covering.
Frying pan.
How long is the race?
Depend of the day and your resistance :) Look the map: