During this fourth session we will talk about EVALUATION AT BILINGUAL SECTIONS, we are going to show you how to have an evaluation at lessons in which everybody can participate. Also we will try to show you some thinking routines to use during your lessons.
In the previous lessons we have learnt about THE PREHISTORY and THE IBERIAN PENINSULA IN PRE-ROMAN TIMES.
Now we are going to finish this topic talking about ROMAN HISPANIA. To introduce this topic we are going to use a video about a Spanish City. At the end of the video you have to answer this question:
What reminds or things does the video show us about Roman Times?
2000 years ago Romans defeated the Cartaginiasn.
The peninsula became part of Roman Empire: HISPANIA
At the end conquered tribes adopted Roman customs and spoke latin.
Hispania was Roman for 600 years.
After about 400 A.D the Roman Empire weakened.
Visigothic entered in the peninsula from the north part of Europe.
The Roman founded many cities like Tarraco (Tarragona), Sagunto and Hispalis (Sevilla)
They were modelled on Rome.
They had two main streets and the forum
(large public square for important events)
Roman cities were connected by excellent stone roads.
Temples were used for religious purposes
Theatres, amphitheatres and circuses were used for entertainment.
Aqueducts transported water.
Public bath houses used hot water.
Let's use the THINKING ROUTINE: THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS. With the green you will say what you know, in orange what you need some support to achieve it and in red what you haven't achive or you have lot of problems.
Today we are going to work with a new THINKING ROUTINE. It is called THE MISTERY QUESTION. You have to think on what we learnt the last lesson: THE PREHISTORY. Once you have in mind you have to create a question that maybe one of your partners could not understand. The teacher will try to answer and explain better that points.
Once we have solved all the questions and everything is clear we are going to watch a video to learn a bit more about PRE-ROMAN TIMES. Pay attention because at the end of the video you have to answer the following questions:
Where is the place the video is talking about?
What was the main crop Iberians had?
The peninsula was inhabited by Iberians and Celtic tribes.
Then Phoenicians, Greeks and Cartigians came through Mediterranian Seas.
Iberians lived in the east and south.
They lived in walled settelments and rectangular houses, they are divided into tribes.
They were herders, farmers, traders and craftsmen.
Celts lived in the centre and the north.
They lived in walled settements with round houses, they are divided into tribes.
They were herders, farmers and expert metalworkers.
Phoenicians came from Asia, and settled on the southern coast.
Cadiz and Almunecar.
Greeks came from Greece, settled in the Mediterranean coast.
Denia and Ampuria.
Carthaginians came form North Africa, settled in the Mediterranean coast.
Mediante estos dos cuestionarios queremos saber tu opinión acerca de la semana de San Gregorio 2014 que hemos celebrado durante la semana pasada. Tómate tu tiempo para contestar recuerda que tu opinión es importante para que podamos mejorar.
Quiero agradecer a #educaLAB por darme esta mención, a mis alumnos porque sin ellos no seguiría experimentando y creciendo, a mis compañeros de profesión del Colegio San Gregorio por querer seguir un camino que creo que es el correcto: "los alumnos tienen que construir su propio aprendizaje". Y a todas las personas que formaron, forman y formarán mi PLE (Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje)
During this third session we will talk about how to create an ICT TASK, a task which can be done by the student, in which they will work with ICT and they will be authonomus. We will try to develop your creativity, this is the first step to start developing your students' one.
Let's start a new topic, as we are used to, we are going to start with a THINKING ROUTINE. We are going to look for CSI (Colour, Symbol, Image). In the following chart you will have to colour, look for a symbol and draw an image about the topic PREHISTORY.
We will watch this video about general information about prehistory. At the end of it you will have to answer these questions:
What are the characteristics of prehistoric hunter?
What are the characteristics of HOMO ERECTUS?
What are the characteristica NEANTHERTAL?
The long period before the invention of writing.
Stone Age.
Half million years ago. Stone tools were used.
Paleolithic period.
People moved from place to place.
Hunting, fishing and gathering plants.
Neolitic period.
People lived permanently in one place.
Farmers, crops, domestic animals.
Metal Ages.
Seven thounsand year ago. Metal tools were used.
The wheel was invented.
First cities were built.
FIRST CRAFTSMEN Paleolithic Period: They made tools and weapons hitting one stone against another. Neolithic Period: They made polished stone tools and weapons, also pots and cloth. Metal Ages: They made metal tools, weapons and jewellery. FIRST ARTISTS Cave paintings, like Altamira Cave, are manificent works of art. They often paint animals.
With this post we will start with a new way of doing at the class, you are going to evaluate your partner's videos and mind maps following the rubric and answering to this form.
When you finish reading the rubric and you have everything clear about your mind, you can start watching your partner's video and answering the questions to evaluate it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE CLEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT THE CRITERIAS FOR EVALUATION ARE.
You will send your evaluation through this Google Form. DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON SUBMIT AT THE END. To write the comments, you have to follow this pattern:
REDACCIÓN EN KIDBLOG: Tienes … puntos, porque…
ORGANIZACIÓN EN EL MIND MAP: Tienes … puntos, porque…
ESTRUCTURA DEL TEXTO: Tienes … puntos, porque…
ORTOGRAFÍA: Tienes … puntos, porque…
Tengo el placer de presentaros los post publicados por los alumnos de 5ºA en la asignatura de Science.
Estos posts han sido publicados en el blog de aula:
Los alumnos han utilizado la herramienta de la web 2.0 http://popplet.com/ para hacer sus propios diagramas o mapas conceptuales sobre la unidad 11 the economy.
Después han utilizado sus propios mapas conceptuales para construir un vídeo utilizando la web tool http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/. Ese vídeo es "upload" por ellos mismos a su propio canal de youtube para terminar con todo ello, en su propio blog, construyendo un post dedicado a resumir y entender mejor la unidad.
Más tarde lo han enviado a una asignación por EDMODO nuestra red social.
Aquí, os dejo con cada post hecho por cada alumno.
Por ello hemos visualizado el corto que aparece en la noticia y hemos leído la misma. Más tarde hemos realizado una rutina de pensamiento durante 4 minutos para analizar la noticia.
Los alumnos podrán escribir todo lo que quieran de la rutina de pensamiento, pero en especial I WONDER.
We will continue learning about how things happened in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. Remember first were the Visigoths then the peninsula was invaded by the Muslims, and now we are going to learn how the Christians reconquested The Iberian Peninsula.
This video will show you how everything took place.
You could look at the map below, how the reconquest was:
The long period of expansion of the Christian kingdoms started only eleven years after the Muslins invasion. It is called RECONQUEST.
By around 1230, there were FOUR LARGE KINGDOMS:
KINGDOM OF PORTUGAL, it was independent from Leon.
KINGDOM OF NAVARRE, Navarra and La Rioja.
CROWN OF ARAGON: Catalonia Counties, Kingdom of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca.
CROWN OF CASTILE: Includes the Kind of of Castille and the Kindom of Leon. Later it included Al Anlandalus.
In 1479, Isabella I of Castille married Ferdinand II of Aragon, and the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Castile were united.
There were three groups of people:
NOBLES: they were rich and they were the owners of the land.
CLERGY: They were monks, bishops and priests.
PEASANTS: It was the biggest group, they cultivated the land.
In the 12th Century were founded the first universities. The first one was the University of Palencia.
In the early Middle Ages, churches were built in Romanesque Style: thick walls and small windows.
After the 13th Century, palaces and cathedrals were built in Gothic Style. They had pinted arches and large stained-glass windows.