jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

UNIT 6 IRELAND - Lesson 2

Session 2 --> Geography
           In the last session our homework was to do the information cards about the provinces. (Munster, Leinster, Ulster and Connaught). Today 31st of March we will do the next activities.
Activity 1
You will watch the video, you will learn how you do a compass, Could you try at home?
After you must go to this page http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g1_u3/index.html and make the activities. You will learn the cardinal points (North, South, East, and West).
            After this activity, I will explain to you the usefulness of the compass. First I draws a cross and later I write the four points of the compass on the blackboard or PDI.

Activity 2
Now you will solve a word search about the principal names of the cities of Ireland. To know the names of the cities you can watch the map of the session one, where there are all the principal names.

Also you could do the wordsearch, if you click Main cities of Ireland.
This activity will be useful to start the next activity.

Activity 3
In this activity I want you to know more about the main cities of Ireland. Each group will have the name of one city and you will do research about the city you have got.
I will give a sheet to each group showing the main points of the research:

The final aim of the session is to include the final index-card of each group in the guide.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

UNIT 6 IRELAND- Lesson 1

This unit we will work about Ireland. Why Ireland? Because you know that I lived a year in this country.
But the most important reason is that the official language is the English in this country.
The final task in this unit is a touristic guide about Ireland. How do you do it? We will divide the class in groups of 5 persons.
Each day we will do things to put in our touristic guide and finally each group will have a complete touristic guide about Ireland.
Today the 28th of March we will do the first lesson.
Session 1 Choose the Country
Activity 1
            The first session will consist in identifying the countries which speak English; because you will choose one of them to make a touristic guide.

            For this activity we will need a big world map. Next, I will ask you if you know any countries where English is spoken. You write the name using the world map.
If you don´t know any countries, I will help you.
After that the groups will decide which country they want to work on for the guide.

Activity 2
When the groups choose the country (Ireland), I will ask them some questions to asses their previous knowledge.
-          Have you ever been to Ireland?
-          Did you enjoy it?
-          What is the capital of Ireland?
-          What is the name of the inhabitants?
-          What is the typical food?
-          What is the religion?
-          What is the main public holiday?

Activity 3
I will give two maps of the island of Ireland to the students. One map is divided into provinces and the provinces are broken up into counties. And the other doesn´t have names. You will guess the names (with the help of some cards, you will make these cards) the missing names. For example a card will be the next: 
Munster is a provinces in the south of Connaught. 
It has got 6 counties (Clare, Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Tipperary and Waterford). 
Kerry is the west-est county in this province.
Cork is under Limerick and of the east of Kerry.
Waterford is the east-est county in this province.
Clare is the upper in this province.
And now you know where is Tipperary.
Next to the map, you have several cards, where different clues are shown to help with guessing the correct positions.
The final result will be a sheet. This sheet shows a map of Ireland with several notes about its division and its location. This sheet will be included in the final guide.
The sheet will be like this, but with the four cards:

Information card about munster

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011


En la mañana de hoy día 25 de marzo de 2011, nosotros los alumnos de 5ºA hemos trabajado el tema de EARTH HOUR-LA HORA DEL PLANETA.

  1. Lo primero hemos visto vídeos en este enlaceEARTH HOUR- LA HORA DEL PLANETA
  2. Con los vídeos hemos comprendido para que servira la hora que mañana Sábado 26 de marzo 2011, de 20:30 a 21:30h. se llevara a cabo por millones de personas en todo el mundo.
  3. Seguido, hemos hecho una pequeña auditoría utilizando el archivo que hemos encontrado en esta página.Pequeña auditoría de mi clase
  4. La auditoría ha salido positiva respecto a nuestra clase. 
  5. Después de debatir sobre las diferentes opiniones de los grupos. Hemos decidido crear esloganes para animaros a hacer los 60 minutos por NUESTRO PLANETA. Cada grupo ha realizado un eslogan. Para que vosotros visualiceis los esloganes os presentamos nuestros wokis. 



lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


Despúes de escuchar a este hombre ahora toca ponernos a trabajar.
  1. Primero empezaremos por enseñar la agenda con la firma de la semana.
  2. Segundo cambiaremos las personas de orden y material.
  3. Continuaremos hablando del día mundial del árbol. ¿Alguno sabe otros días mundiales?¿Qué teman abordan?¿Qué significa este día para vosotros?Seguidamente de vuestros comentarios, vamos a empezar a trabajar en las siguientes páginas web.
  • Realizaremos las diferentes actividades. 
  • Y por último pondremos en común nuestra opinión a está pregunta.
¿Crees que debemos cuidar los árboles? ¿Porqué?
Come on, start the debate.


The next 23rd of March Wednesday, you will make the test of Unit 5.
You have to study the vocabulary of unit 5 (animals, past verbs...)
Also you have to study the form to make the adverbs of manner (add to the adjective -ly or others...)
But today we review the comparatives and superlatives in this website. There are things which you did not learn but don´t worry, just do it. Please click on the image and you will go to the website.
 Come on, review everything and i wish you good luck in the test.

PD: If you want to do this activity about Sao Paulo. You can check
Adjectives, Comparatives, Superlatives - The city of São Paulo (BR), by deinha
Find this and other adjectives exercises in English Exercises .org

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

St. Patrick´s day

Hi mates, today is the St. Patrick´s day.
This saint is the patron saint of Ireland. You should know that a lot of inhabitants of USA descend from irish people.
To know more information we will do activities about this topic.
 1.Visit this link.
St. Patrick´s day
2. You have to make the activities which are in this blog. (The website we have gone previously.)
3. After you must find a song on internet typical of Ireland. Send me by email the link of the song.


miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Animal in danger 5th B

Here it is. The presentation of the pupils of 5th B. I think you will enjoy watching this and may be you will think a bit about this topic. 

Cheers for watching our work 

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Animals in danger by 5th A

Here it is. The presentation of the pupils of 5th A. I think you will enjoy watching this and may be you will think a bit about this topic. Animals in danger5A
View more webinars from Julián Mamolar

Cheers for watching our work. 

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


LESSON OF ENGLISH 5th (10/3/11) 
  • Put in pairs.
  • Think about the animal card which you did it in the activity book.
  • Go to these websites:
    • Choose an animal in danger and do the animal card. Example-->Kiwi. You must show the animal to  your teacher, because you can´t choose the animal which other pair chooses it before.
    • Find information about the animal which you choose with your partner. The information which you can find is this. (Like the information card in page 50 of activity book)
      • Group: bird.
      • Special: can´t fly, long beak.
      • Lives: forests.
      • Country: New Zealand.
      • How big?: compare with another animal.
      • Food: worms, insects.
      • Numbers: 1930 - 5 million, today - 70000.
      • In danger: why this animal is in danger?
    • After you have found the information, make sentences with this information.
    • Check with your teacher the sentences.
    • Make the slide. To make the slide you must look up on internet an image of the animal.
    • Finally send the presentation to your teacher by email and after you can see all the slides together in the blog.
    This is an example of slide

    View more presentations from Julián Mamolar

    Come on, I am waiting your slides.

    jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

    Which animal is the rarest?

    There are a lot of animals that they are the rarest.
    Because the people put in dangerous their lifes.
    Today we speak about the rare animals.
    Now we are going to work in this website:
    World Wild Life 

    Activities to Tics (4/03/2011) 
    1. Enter in the previous web page.
    2. Choose a wallpaper and put in your laptop.
    3. Choose an E-card and send by email to all the class.
    4. Play the games.
    5. And finally you choose some photos, create a new carpet called `Animals in danger´ and put these photos in the carpet.

    Come on, do it.