Here it is. What? You will think. It is the explination of your proyect. This proyect is to the unit 4 FOCUS ON THE FOOD. What are you going to do? You have the steps below:
You can make a story board and a script.
You can see an example in the page 36 of the Class Book. Remember that you have to present your new product with an advertisement. (You can choose music to make it.) We will record this the next 31th Janaury of 2013. To evaluate this activity, we will use this rubric:
Circulation is the movement of blood through the circulatory system.
To get to know more we are going to watch these videos:
Our heart moves blood through the body.
It never stops beating.
BLOOD VESSELS are tubes which transport blood through the circulatory system.
What is the name of the blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart?
What is the name of the blood vessels which carry blood into the heart?
What is the name of tiny blood vessels which connect arteries to veins?
There are two circulatory systems: PULMONARY CIRCULATION SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION Can you describe each one? To get to know the answer we are going to watch this video:
As a final task and project of this unit we are going to invite you to create a lesson about what you have learnt. We want you to be as much original as you can.
Here you have some guidelines to help you to work:
You are going to do this final task with your class group.
The explanation will include the four parts of the unit:
The Solar System (planets and the sun)
The Earth (rotation and revolution)
The Moon (lunar phases) and Eclipses
Stars, constellations and galaxies.
A performance.
A model.
Record a video and show it.
Create a song.
The main objective is TO BE ORIGINAL.
You will have four lessons to do it.
The final task will be shown to the rest of the class group along the last week of January (From the 28th to the 1st of February).
The presentation of the activity and the performance will have a SCRIPT, which you should show to the teacher before acting:
START: Group´s presentation and activity´s presentation.
NUB: Explain the activity. Each member of the group has got a role in the performance. (Explain with your own words)
ENDING: Activity´s conclusion and farewell.
Also you have to do a STORY BOARD, remember the example:
To evaluate your project we will use the following rubric.
How wonderful is to watch the stars in a warm summer night? How much do you know about the STARS?
This video will help yo to understand how to see the stars and also is going to show you some of them.
STAR: It is a spherical body which generates light and heat through nuclear reactions. Most stars consist of hydrogen and helium.
Stars have different characteristics:
CONSTELLATIONS: They are groups of stars. There are eighty-eight constellations. They used to have the names of characters from mythology or the names of animals or objects because of the shape they form.
NEBULAE: A nebulae is a cloud of dust and gas. Some are illuminated by stars near them.
GALAXIES: Galaxies are enormous groups of stars, gases and dust.
There are three types:
Our Solar System is inside a Galaxy calledTHE MILKY WAY.
If you want further information you can look in the following link.
The previous days we have been learning about NUTRITION and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Today it's time to find out the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM and the EXCRETORY SYSTEM.
Why do we need to breathe?
What are the two breathing movements we make?
Discover the answers.
We need oxygen to lived.
The function to obtain oxygen from the air is carried out by the respiratory system
To know more we are going to watch this video:
It is made up of the nose, air passageways and the lungs.
Do you know what it happens in the alveoli?
When we inhale, our lungs fill with air.
When we exhale, air leaves the lungs.
It is the elimination of the waste substances.
To know more we are going to watch this video:
What do we call the process that eliminates waste substances from the blood?
What are the main organs?
The sweat gland in the skin also help in excretion.
Do you know that the Moon orbits the Earth and rotates on its axis?
This video may explain you lots of characteristics of the MOON and ECLIPSES.
The moon has four LUNAR PHASES, they depend on the Moon's position in relation to both the Earth and the Sun.
NEW MOON: no part of the moon is visible.
FIRST QUARTER: The illuminated half is increasing.
FULL MOON: The side of the moon facing the Earth is being lit by the Sun.
LAST QUARTER: The illuminated half is decreasing.
Sometimes there is a great phenomenon, when the MOON, the SUN and the EARTH ALING. This is which we called ECLIPSE.
We can have two kinds of eclipse:
LUNAR ECLIPSE: The Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun's light.
SOLAR ECLIPSE: The Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, block the Sun's light and project a shadow on the Earth. If they are in a perfect line it is a TOTAL ECLIPSE.
As we have learn the Earth in the last lesson the Earth is the third planet of the SOLAR SYSTEM. Like the song said to us it has got land and sea, this is why it seems to be blue.
The earth has two kind of movements:
This video may clarify the two concepts for you:
REVOLUTION: It is the movement of the earth around the Sun. It takes 365 days and 6 hours. This is why we have LEAP YEARS every four years. The orbit around the sun it isn't a circle, IT IS AN ELLIPSE.
ROTATION: The earth has an invisible axis, and the earth rotates on it. It takes 24 hours. At any time there is half part facing the sun and half part facing away the sun. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE DAY AND NIGHT, and this is why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
SEASONS:We have different seasons depending on what part of the orbit around the sun the Earth is. It is hotter when the Earth is nearer the Sun, and it is colder when it is further from the Sun. We also have different season depending on the hemisphere because of the slighty tilted axis.
The best thing for learning something is doing it. SO LET MAKE A SHORT PLAY TO EXPLAIN THE ROTATION AND REVOLUTION OF THE EARTH.
A torch.
Some labels: The Moon, The Earth, The Sun, etc..
The script.
In your group you are going to create a short play to explain the rest of the class how the Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun, also you should explain why do we have seasons and day and night.
LET'S CHECK ALL YOUR LEARNING WITH THIS LINK (You can show how the Earth moves and also do the quizz)